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Academy for the Psychoanalytic Arts
Rethinking psychoanalysis as being outside of a medical model
Origins of the Academy
Academy Outreach Project
Academy Members
Academy Membership
Letters from the President
2018 - Kalt, Ph.D.
2015 - Kalt, Ph.D.
2014 - Kalt, Ph.D.
2012 - Kalt, Ph.D.
2011 - Kalt, Ph.D.
2009 - Kalt, Ph.D.
2007 - Young, Ph.D.
2003 - Tenbusch, Ph.D.
2002 - Tenbusch, Ph.D.
2001 - Kavanugh, Ph.D.
1999 - Kavanaugh, Ph.D.
1997 - Kavanaugh, Ph.D.
Legal, Ethical, And Professional Issues
LEAP Privacy Petition
McDowell-Who Controls Quality Control
Of National Interest
Recommended Practices - Bohart
Titles A - E
Acocella - Empty Couch
Arrigo - Martial Metaphors
Black - Medicating Normality
Black - Prescription for Scandal
Bohart - Recommended Practices
Britzman - Question Child
Burckhardt - Scientific Approach
Burman - Beyond the Baby
Burman - Emotions in the Classroom
Dauphin - Tantalizing Times
Dauphin-Are you an Analyst
Dauphin-Self-Directed Education
Double-The Limits of Psychiatry
Elkins-The Failed
Titles F - J
Farber-Institutional Mental Health
Flader-Slips of the Tongue
Fores-Chemical Imbalances
Fox- Achieving Ideological Change
Fox-Challenging Basic Assumptions
Galves - Debunking the Science behind ADHD
Healy - Academic Freedom Dispute
Healy - Psychopharmacology
Hut - Turning 'The Hard Problem' Upside Down
Hyman - Demeaning the Analysand
Hyman - John Dorsey
Hyman - Minimalist View of Psychoanalysis
Hyman - Psychoanalysis Not Health Care
Hyman - Standing Firmly On All Sides of the Issues
Hyman - The Clinical Importance of the Unconscious
Israel - On Mandatory CLE
Titles K
Kaloianov - Dialectics - Part II
Kaloianov -Dialectics - Part I
Kavanaugh - Other As Phallus
Kavanaugh - Bodies of Knowledge
Kavanaugh - Certificate in Psychoanalysis
Kavanaugh - Codes of Silence
Kavanaugh - Developing Competencies
Kavanaugh - Free Association
Kavanaugh - HIPAA-cratic Oath
Kavanaugh - Impossible Patient
Kavanaugh - Industrializing and Deprofessionalizing Psychology
Kavanaugh - Influences from Philosophy
Kavanaugh - Leaving Eden
Kavanaugh - Mandatory Continuing Ed
Kavanaugh - Moving Forward
Kavanaugh - Narrowing Scope of Psychoanalysis
Kavanaugh - On Psychoanalytic Supervision
Kavanaugh - Postmodernism Pyschoanalysis
Kavanaugh - Psychoanalysis in Crisis
Kavanaugh - Psychoanalytic Education
Kavanaugh - Psychoanalytic Thinking
Kavanaugh - Rethinking Influence
Kavanaugh - The Neurosciences
Kavanaugh - The Quest in Psychoanalysis
Kirk - Myth of DSM Reliability
Titles L - N
Langan - Closer Examination
Larivière - Invention of Oneself
Larivière - Sunland Seminars
Larivière - Sunland Seminars III
Larivière - Sunland Seminars V
Larivière - The Analyst as Novelist
Larivière - Writing Cures
Levi - Pinocchio
Levi - Truth is a Woman
Levi - Why Islamic Terror Now
McCubbin - Sweet Words
McCubbin - Meeting Needs
McDougall - Prologue from the Theaters of the Mind
McDowell - Archive Proposal
McDowell - Quality Control
Milchman - Foucauldian Analysis
Moncrieff - Psychiatric Imperialism
Titles O - S
Ott - Autobiographical Dialogue
Ott - On Being Human
Ott - On Relating
Parker - Critical psychology
Perry - Women, Gender
Ragland - Transferring
Reavey - Curing women
Rose - Power and Subjectivity
Rose - Power in Therapy
Saxe - Consequences Youth Violence
Saxe - Psychoanalytic Consortium
Scheff - Biological Psychiatry
St. John - Mindless Psychology
Steedman - The World Turned Within
Szasz - Mental illness
Titles T - Z
Tyler - Making Better Children
U'ren - Psychiatry and Capitalism
Vida - Frontier of Psychoanalytic Understanding
Young - Abbreviating Psychology
Young - Petitioning for Involuntary Hospitalization
Letters from the President of the Academy
A list of Letters from the President is available in the navigation menu.
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