The Academy seeks to advance the study of the psychoanalytic arts and their practice within a psychological framework allied with philosophy, the humanities, the arts, and the anthropic sciences.
Taken from the "Marketplace of Ideas" on the internet, each of these websites, in its own way, represents some of the expanded definitions of a philosophical-psychical way of understanding and working with people.
Organizations • Philosophy • Arts • Humanities • Critical Psychology • Psychoanalysis • Critical Psychiatry • Education • Independent Practice • EJournals |
Association for Humanistic Psychology
Includes materials advancing humanistic psychology, and calls for the removal of humanistic psychologies from the medical model, industrialized healthcare, and mainstream organizations such as the APA. Through the Humanistic Psychology Learning Community one can access a number of position papers and archival, historical and bibliographic resources on humanistic psychology including the Old Saybrook 2 Conference Proceedings.
National Coalition of Mental Health Professionals & Consumers
The NCMHPC's goal is threefold: to expose problems and abuses of managed care, to bring about regulation of the managed care industry, and to promote pro-patient, pro-quality alternatives that preserve a patient's right to choice, personal privacy and control over treatment.
Division of Psychoanalysis (39)
The website of the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association (APA) whose purposes are to promote understanding and interest in psychoanalysis in the professional community and the general public. Includes information on Section IV (Local Chapters).
Dallas Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology
A local chapter of Division 39. The website contains news and information about the society's activities, current and back issues of the society's newsletters, and links.
Journal of Applied Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics is the theory and practice of interpretation and becomes the basis for a philosophical approach to the analysis of human understanding and behavior. This website is dedicated to exploring applications of hermeneutical theory across different disciplines, offering a variety of theories by leading figures in the field as well as articles and links.
Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, Inc.
Website providing information for those interested in phenomenology, including graduate school programs, specialty bibliography, texts of major figures in phenomenology, additional links, and publishing outlets.
Epistemology Research Guide
Provides a convenient list of online resources for those working in contemporary analytic epistemology, which is the study of the nature, sources, and limits of knowledge. Some believe that an individual's personal epistemology is a central aspect of psychoanalytic theory and practice.
Michel Foucault
Created by Clare O'Farrell, this is an extensive resource on the famous French thinker Michel Foucault, and on research and publications inspired by his work. It contains a comprehensive bibliography of Foucault's work, including list of available works that have been translated into English.
A repository of articles pertaining to Michel Foucault, offering texts, and documents written by Foucault, as well as links to a selection of available resources on the web.
Phenomenology Online: A Resource for Phenomenological Inquiry
Phenomenology can be considered a profoundly reflective inquiry into human meaning, and is one of the central purposes of a psychoanalysis that is outside of the medical model. This website, organized by Max van Manen, allows one to explore and study the different topical domains, orientations, sources of meaning, methodology, methods, writings and practices of phenomenological perspectives. Available are numerous articles, monographs, and other materials.
Aesthetics on-line
This is the official website of the American Society for Aesthetics, founded in 1942 to promote the study of aesthetics, which is understood to include all studies of the arts and related types of experience from philosophic, scientific, or other theoretical standpoints. The ASA sponsors a several conferences annually, and publishes the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, as well as the ASA Newsletter. This site contains articles about aesthetics, philosophy of art, art theory and art criticism. It also provides information on events worldwide, and hosts the Aesthetics-L email discussion list.
The architexturez project offers a collaborative space for individuals who share an interest in architectural research. spanning theory, teaching, and practice of architecture as it relates to any discipline in an effort to understand the meanings in the natural, designed, built, and virtual environments created by people. Available is information on related discussion groups, links, images, glossalalia, and a rich and vast assortment of online papers and other texts speaking to all aspects of constructed space.
Semiotics - Topics, Resources, and General Readings
A comprehensive website by Martin Ryder at the University of Colorado at Denver offering a compendium of online resources on semiotics, a study of the nature of representation and a perspective by which we might conceive of human reality as a construction. The site includes the work of significant figures in the field of semiotics, organizations, journals, and information on conferences.
Example: Things Done Wisely by a Wise Enchanter: Negotiating the Power of Words in the Thirteenth Century by Claire Fanger University of Western Ontario
Radical Constructivism
emphasizes the tenet that any kind of knowledge is constructed and that there is no completely external reality. This website offers an array of materials on constructivism and its radical nature, including organizations, papers, links to periodicals, conferences, people who have made significant contributions, books available online, and more.
This website is an on-line bibliography whose objective is to compile a set of English-language entries related to the intersection of historiographic practice with poststructuralism, postmodernism, and allied areas of theory/practice. Offers alternative understandings of history, a concept whose meaning has been central to psychoanalytic theory and practice.
Transtherapy is an international association of practitioners who have begun a reform movement which is critical of the trend of commercialism, medicalization, bureaucratization and idolization in psychotherapy and in the mental helping professions.
The Thomas S. Szasz Cybercenter for Liberty and Responsibility
Thomas Szasz maintained that " "Mental illness," is a metaphor for behaviors that are particularly offensive, disturbing, shocking, or perplexing to others. Such behaviors, he believed, were better thought of as “problems in living” as opposed to “mental illnesses” or “mental diseases, disorders, or disturbances.” And, to the extent that psychiatry, psychology, and psychoanalysis represent these “problems in living” as "medical diseases", their methods as "medical treatments," and their clients as “medically ill patients,” they reify the metaphor of “mental illness,” sanction the medicalization of the human condition, and contribute to the growth of The Therapeutic State, a fundamental threat to the freedoms and dignity of people in a democratic society." From In Memoriam: Thomas S. Szasz, MD 1920 - 2012, by Patrick B. Kavanaugh, Ph.D.
International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology
A research and educational network devoted to educating professionals and the public concerning the impact of mental health theories on public policy and the effects of therapeutic practices upon individual well-being, personal freedom, and family and community values. Sponsors the journal Ethical Human Sciences and Services.
The Unofficial R.D. Laing Website
R.D. Laing was a leader in challenging and opposing the disease model of mental illness and highlighting the socio-political construction of madness within the institutions, language and practices of medicine. This website offers articles, a biography, a brief list of scholars of Laingian thought, related organizations, quotations, and links to others websites of interest.
An independent non-profit organization established in 1987 and devoted to analytical formation and the discussion of contemporary issues in psychoanalysis and culture. Apres-Coup has brought together researchers, scholars, and psychoanalysts from around the world for a variety of fascinating and important seminars and colloquia.
Psy Broadcasting Corporation Online Symposia for Mental Health Professionals
Offers unique format where standing panels of thinkers in the field select and discuss important articles from the current literature in conjunction with the authors and readers. Discussions take place via email. Currently offering several symposia series, including one on psychoanalysis. Modest subscription fee.
Lacan dot com
"Lacan dot com is Jacques Lacan in the us". A creative presentation that offers "lacanian ink", a biannual journal also available online and "perfume", as well as a messageboard, a symposium featuring several topics, including feminine jouissance, hysteric's discourse, la sesion analitica, Lacan and others, a guestbook and chat options. A fascinating site in which to enjoy the work of Lacan.
Psyche Matters
An extensive website that is an excellent resource on the web for things psychoanalytic, including the full texts of many articles, biographies of analytic figures, bibliographies, and links to other organizations.
World Association of Psychoanalysis
A site founded in 1992 to promote psychoanalysis throughout the world and to support the orientation given by Lacan to the field of experience that Freud inaugurated. Sponsors online conferences, pubications, e-lists, data bases as well as a display of artwork. Contributions are published in French, Spanish, Portuguese and English.
Postmodern Therapies News
This newsletter is published on a bi-weekly basis and is a summary of the discussions taking place on a Postmodern Therapy discussion list which focuses on the meaning, advantages and disadvantages of postmodern thinking for therapists. The newsletter is available on an innovative website where the discussions are complemented by the provision of many other resources on philosophy, philosophers, postmodernism, references, an index of scholars as well as an archive of past newsletters.
Offers information on lectures, conferences, debates, links and numerous articles on critical psychiatry which reject the medical model in psychiatry and which challenge the dominance of clinical neuroscience and its reductionist claims to explain forms of emotional distress.
An organization whose objective is to promote psychological treatment and understanding for persons with schizophrenias and other psychoses, as opposed to the dominant biogenetic medical model. They publish a newsletter, offer info on local groups, training programs, books and papers, links, a discussion group ( and sponsor an annual international conference.
MindFreedom Online Support Coalition International
Support Coalition International is an international non-profit alliance of organizations and individuals dedicated to defending the rights of people in the mental health system and to 'breaking the silence' about psychiatric abuses and oppression. They are a leader in vitalizing the mind freedom movement and have launched human rights campaigns that activate a wide diversity of the public. Consists of over 100 member organizations and thousands of individual members in fourteen nations. Sponsors discussion forums, the Mind Freedom journal, and offers news directory with alerts, information on current campaigns, related links, references and more.
International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education
A federation of individuals and organizations dedicated to encouraging alternatives to restrictive psychoanalytic education and training, reversing the decline of psychoanalysis as a viable profession, and facilitating dialogue with disciplines that can enrich psychoanalysis.
Boulders Psychotherapists Guild
An interdisciplinary organization of psychotherapists who are practicing independently, and who offer an alternative to the managed care system with the conviction that people should have the autonomy to arrange and make decisions about their own therapy as part of a collaborative confidential relationship. This guild and others (Connecticut, Atlanta, and Kansas City) believe the managed care system threatens the right of people and violate the essential values of psychotherapy.
V.I.P. Volunteers In Psychotherapy
An independent community nonprofit organization, whose members provide truly private psychotherapy as "an alternative to managed care, its destruction of privacy, and its reliance on pills." Also available on their website are a variety of resources that offer testimony confronting the myths of managed care and the which expose the relationship between the drug company profits and the current prominence of the biomedical model where treatment primarily consists of medications.
EJournals that are actively publishing and offer full text articles
Applied Semiotics /Sémiotique appliquée
An ejournal devoted to literary research and semiotics, encompassing research on communicative structures and processes available in actual texts. Offers opportunity to study the meaning that can be found in text and language and the communications of people, providing a basis to understand psychoanalysis as a semiotic endeavor. Available in English and French. Seven volumes currently available.
Journal | Salon | Portal
An ejournal and discussion salon promoting a philosophical review of cinema, combining original review articles with email reponse and argument in the salon. Also a portal link to interesting writings and fascinating other sites from around the web. Regarded as one of the most valuable and reliable film sites in its area. Recently published Volume 4 of the ejournal Film-Philosophy.
Genders OnLine
An ejournal that questions gender and sexualities as being something other than a biological given and considers it in relation to various contexts in which it is produced, including artistic, semiotic, political, literary, social, ethnic, racial, economic, rhetorical or legal. The journal publishes essays that articulate the ways in which sexuality has been created and sustained for the purposes of different discourses.
IPNOSIS: a journal for the Independent Practitioners Network
An ejournal accumulating articles challenging the statuatory regulation of psycho-practitioners taking place in the UK under the banner of "accreditation" presented by the Independent Practitioners Network. Also available are materials on groups that favor the empowerment of clients without relying on medical precedents and metaphors such as 'treatment', 'patients', and 'diagnosis'; G.O.R.I.L.L.A., Confronting Psycho-Practice Professionalisation, and Human Potential Voices.
"Therapy Futures explores the heart and soul of therapy – how might therapy reach out and be refreshed, Denis Postle asks? And introduces two essential elements for therapy renewal, one is valuing love as the active ingredient of therapy and second, recognizing that we all inhabit a "psyCommons", a thriving fountain of streetwise, savvy ‘know-how’, ‘know-when’ and ‘know-if’, through which millions of people get through life. Therapists distil expertise about the human condition from the psyCommons and sequester it in professions."
Janus Head
An ejournal devoted to maintaining an attitude of respect and openness to the various manifestations of truth in human experience, encompassing ideas from continental philosophy, literature, phenomenological psychology, and art. Publishing since 1998.
The JEP seeks to provide an international forum for the exploration of the frontiers of psychoanalytic inquiry, giving voice to diverse perspectives, research, and clinical practice, as well as introducing readers to important authors, and some of the debates and trends within psychoanalysis and other related fields... especially philosophy, humanities, and social sciences.
New Therapist, the magazine for the thinking psychotherapist
New Therapist is an independent, magazine for mental health therapists, produced by journalists and therapists on five continents, providing coverage of the changing world of therapy. The magazine is not affiliated to any organizations, associations or particular school of therapeutic thought but aims to provide the definitive read on what's happening in therapy.
Other Voices - the (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism
Other Voices is an electronic journal of cultural criticism founded in 1997 and published at the University of Pennsylvania. It is dedicated to expanding the dialogues between the disciplines and challenging received notions. It publishes provocative essays, interviews, lecture transcriptions, hypermedia projects, translations and reviews in the arts and humanities; covering philosophy, literature, visual art, music and theory in a variety of traditional and non-traditional forms.
Postmodern Culture
Ejournal devoted to postmodernism and critical theory. Has published three issues a year since 1990 and offers a text only archive which includes the full text of all articles.
Radical Psychology: A Journal of Psychology, Politics, and Radicalism
An ejournal that provides a forum for scholars dissatisfied with the manner in which mainstream psychology has addressed the issues of the betterment of human welfare and social justice. Publishes on subjects such as anti-psychiatry, radical clinical theory, critical theory, feminism, and political psychology.
Radical Philosophy
Radical Philosophy is a journal of socialist and feminist philosophy providing a forum where radical ideas and issues can be expressed and discussed. It links currents of thought and discussion in philosophy with theoretical work in sociology, psychoanalysis, psychology, history, and literary studies.
Please contact the Academy if you wish to offer a related resource