The Academy's Mission is to advance the study of psychoanalytic epistemology, theory, practice, ethics, and education within a psychological framework consisting of philosophy, the arts, and the anthropic sciences. Carpe Diem.
The Academy accepts papers and articles that support its Mission of rethinking psychoanalysis as being outside of a medical model. If you would like to make such a contribution please follow the the publication and copyright link.
The Academy for the Psychoanalytic Arts was founded in 1992 as an affiliate of the Division of Psychoanalysis (39) of the American Psychological Association. Its organizing purpose was to rethink psychotherapy and psychoanalysis as a collaborative inquiry that furthers self-discovery and greater understandings of one's self, relationships, and life.
For many psychotherapists, people and their problems in living have come to be medicalized and understood from within a medical-scientific framework: their understanding is science and pathology driven. Very human experiences that arise in the course of living life -such as anxiety, depression, and interpersonal difficulties, are seen as symptoms of an underlying (mental) disorder, disturbance, or disease.
Understood as evidences of pathology -not as problems in living, an individualized treatment plan is developed, consisting of the appropriate diagnosis (Dx), form of treatment (Rx), and therapeutic objectives of curing -or normalizing, the pathology. And in the course of treatment, sensitive and personal information is recorded and reported to insurance company or regulatory agency.
Situated in philosophy, the humanities and the arts --as opposed to biology, medicine, and the natural sciences, members of the Academy offer a very different way of thinking about, understanding, and working with people and their feelings of depression and anxiety or their relationship difficulties. Understood as problems in living, - as opposed to evidences of pathology, therapy is situated and unfolds in and through the individual's unique life story, experiences, and decisions.
More humanizing assumptions and values structure more compassionate and creative understandings of people, psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis. Different assumptions lead to different ways of understanding a person's life story and working with them in therapy whether it's the elderly person in the nursing home or assisted living, the married couple having marital problems or difficulties, or the young adult or child having difficulties with their peers or studies in school.
Members of the Academy offer a different way of understanding and working with people in therapy. Also, many are available to speak with community groups -such as the local PTA or veterans' groups, on topics of interest. Or, consult on issues pertaining to staff development and milieu therapy at the local hospital, residential treatment facility, or day treatment program.
For those looking for an experienced therapist or consultant, feel free to call any member in the Academy's membership directory. Fees are discussed, considered, and arrived at by mutual agreement, usually during the first meeting. The dignity of individuals and their privacy are deeply respected: consultations and psychotherapy take place in strict confidentiality.